Lego online games for kids

Kids of all ages love the games available at Check out the fun, interactive bedtime stories for preschoolers. “Read and Build” allows pre-schoolers to create their own story as they build with blocks. Lego also has popular games for older builders; “Forest Ambush Game” is particularly popular here at the library!

Duplo read and build game


Look, We Know It’s Not “Officially” Winter Yet…

…but it is December, and we’re ready for some snow! Aren’t you? Since Mother Nature doesn’t seem ready to cooperate, here are two great craft activities so that you can make “snowflakes” in the comfort of your own home. Just click either photo to get started.

Sparkling Ice Crystals


You’ll need pipe cleaners, beads, fishing line, and pompoms

Borax Crystal Snowflakes

crystalsnow1You’ll need string, pipe cleaners, a jar, Borax, water, a heat source, and a pencil.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


Graphic Novels Are Books, Too

“‘And what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice, ‘without pictures or conversations?’”

While we Youth Services staff love all kinds of books, this question posed in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland brings to mind the rapidly growing popularity and relevance of graphic novels for children and teenagers. We would like to bring your attention the wide variety of graphic novels we carry–not just superheroes, but realistic fiction, history, biography and memoir, drama (graphic novels of Shakespeare exist in both the original early Modern English as well as abridged forms), and folklore, to name a few genres. As always, feel free to contact us or come into the library for suggestions.

In the meantime, check out these following websites. Deborah Ford, resource librarian for the San Diego Unified School District, talks about the importance of graphic novels and her invitation to speak at the 2010 Comic-Con. No Flying, No Tights provides a lot of helpful suggestions not only of classic superhero comics (the likes of DC and Marvel) but of many other genres as well.

–Lindsay Beckman